
NYPD Eyes Possible Hate Crime Toward Rapinoe

After the U.S. Womenā€™s National Team brought their second straight World Cup Title to America, you would think theyā€™d be the most beloved women in all the country.

But you would be wrong.

At least in the case of one pinhead in New York City. NYPD say they are investigating a possible hate crime directed toward Megan Rapinoe, after posters featuring the U.S. soccer star were defaced with derogatory slurs.

Police said the vandalism, which was discovered inside the Bryant Park subway station in midtown Manhattan on Monday, was being investigated by the New York Police Department's Hate Crime Task Force.

The posters have since been scrubbed clean. Rapinoe, who is gay, has been an outspoken advocate for gender equity and LGBTQ inclusion.

The U.S. Women's National Team was honored Wednesday with a ticker tape parade up New York City's Canyon of Heroes in honor of their World Cup win.

After the parade, Rapinoe urged Americans to "love more" and "hate less."

Guess the idiot vandalizing her picture on the subway didnā€™t have reception down there and missed it.

Source: ESPN

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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