Plastic Bag Ban Begins in Hoboken

Beginning on Tuesday, you’ll know longer be able to get plastic bags at grocery and retail stores in Hoboken, New Jersey.

A ban approved by the City Council and signed into law by Mayor Ravi Bhalla officially took effect.

“Hoboken is committed to environmentally friendly policies that help mitigate the impact of climate change and reduce pollution on our streets,” Bhalla said in a statement.

Stores must provide paper bags at a cost of 10 to 25 cents.  Instead of buying those bags, shoppers are encouraged to bring their own reusable bags.

“This ban, initiated by the Hoboken Green Team,will go a long way to  reducing Hoboken's reliance on harmful plastic bags, and I'm proud  Hoboken is at the forefront of progressive environmental policies,”  Bhalla said.

Free bags will still be provided by stores for fruits and vegetables, frozen foods, laundry, prescriptions and other items.

Photo Credit:  Getty Images

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