Tardy Donut Shop Worker Hinders NJ Transit Riders Commute

New Jersey Transit riders were left out in the cold this morning in Hamilton, New Jersey, after they found the train station locked up tight during the morning rush hour.

As commuters were gathered at the locked doors of the station, one of them received a tweet from NJ Transit apologizing for the situation and blamed the problem on a tardy Dunkin Donuts worker.

A New Jersey Transit agent quoted in the New York Post revealed that the Dunkin Donuts located in the train station is responsible for opening the train station doors.

When Hamilton riders were informed that the train station was locked because a donut shop worker overslept, they started hammering the troubled transit agency via social media.

Stranded commuter Jerry Burke tweeted, "Why is a donut shop in charge of opening a train station?"

New Jersey Transit did not make an official statement on the issue but an agent told commuters that this is a chronic problem with some vendors and then directed them to a social media link to file complaints.

Photo Credit: Getty images

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