Brooklyn Senator Comes To the Aide Of Former Navy Seal

Brooklyn Senator Andrew Gounardes sponsored a bill that may allow former Navy Seal Shaun Donovan the chance to become a member of the FDNY.

Special Operations Chief Donovan was rejected when he wanted to join the FDNY due to his age. But instead of giving up the former Navy Seal took his fight to Albany and got the law changed.

When the New York Post published the story of Donovan missing the age requirements the public outrage came to the attention of Senator Andrew Gounardes. The senator drafted a bill to change the law when it came to military veterans and the legislation was passed Thursday morning.

Gounardes said of Donovan, "He wants to continue to give back, he already served our country and he wants to keep serving."

The bill will now go to Governor Cuomo who is expected to sign it into law.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio weighed in and said, If you're a veteran who has served this country proudly, your age shouldn't be a barrier to continue serving our fellow New Yorkers."

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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