Several Drivers Charged With DWIs Sue Bronx Cop

Detective Darryl Schwartz is being investigated for charging several drivers with drunk driving allegedly to pad his overtime hours calling the practice "collars for dollars."

Data compiled by the Legal Aid Society show that Schwartz is in the top ten of overtime earners in his department raking in on average $41,000 per year in overtime pay for the past 4 years.

Legal Aid lawyer Willoughby Jenett told the New York Daily News that nearly 50% of Schwartz's DWI arrests end in dismissal.

"That just doesn't happen with solid DWI cases," added Jenett.

Jonathon Roberts a lawyer representing one of the people with a pending lawsuit against Schwartz said, "Officers like Schwartz shatter the trust by preying on innocent hard-working citizens of the Bronx for the sake of a few extra dollars in overtime"

Manuel Gil was arrested by Schwartz in 2015 even though he blew a 0.0 on the breathalyzer several times. Gil sued the city and settled for $85,000 to drop the lawsuit.

Officer Schwartz is currently on restricted desk duty for another infraction.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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